A deal on rent in Fort McMurray?
Heading into the holidays, you often see promos for various products and services offered and it often feels like its on the things you need the least. What about your monthly bills and the cost to put the roof over your head?
There are some elusive and exclusive industries that like to leave those searching, potentially high and dry.
Examples of hard to bargain industries
Frequently, consumers are disappointed at the lack of promotions or incentives offered in hot markets or the opposite effect seeing costs swell combined with shortages. Think of the automotive market and used vehicles selling for 75% more in 2021 than the same period of 2020. Demand as well as inflation combined by a short supply of both new and used vehicles has seen this trend refuse to cool down.
Similarly in other markets, housing has become an absolute commodity and bubble. Wildly unpredictable with experts arguing at what point it settles or corrects itself.
Today’s hot housing market, once again has been stimulated throughout the duration of the pandemic. Housing supply was already low before the crisis emerged. It was further hampered as lockdowns were enacted leaving people to look for new or additional homes driven by various needs. People were pursuing their desires to leave populated urban centres, change of occupation or lifestyle, to better home offices or just the right time to strike out in an an all new direction in life.
These trends saw median existing home price grow by a staggering 13%.
Increasing cost of living
Couple these trends with inflation, and you have a reason to understand why various people are making a move to rent versus owning, to improve their financial advantages in anticipation of what is to come down the road.
Food costs are estimated to have increased as much as 3 -5% across the table.
Finding a deal is getting what arguably may be rare but NOT impossible.
In our opinion, it never hurts to ask and it certainly never hurts to provide back to the community that supports you.
We also are of the mindset that the quality of your community or business should still look to reward and incentivize people no matter how in demand your services or products are.
Why a business should look to give back, no matter the fleury
Good faith and generosity from the corporate level to their client base, is indisputably a good a business practice. Not only does it make a business stand out among the many, but it can help rebuild the community in ways that can have deep and lasting impact, in particular when it can take a small financial load off a families hands. This makes these efforts meaningful.
In a beautiful and successful boom town like Fort McMurray, ravaged by natural disaster and various economical challenges as of late, we think its important to lead by example.
Heading into the holiday season, we hope that the spirit of giving back continues and becomes creative. Simple acts can have resounding impact.