Tenant Absenteeism – What are your responsibilities as a renter if you leave for extended periods of time?

While travel remains limited due to Covid-19 related complications there are a number of residents who continue to travel to Edmonton and beyond for both short (and longer term) getaways. We all need a break, that’s without question.

What can go unaccounted for when your primary concern is getting out of here for a few days to R&R is the potential for a cold snap to cause thousands of dollars of damage. If you turn down the interior temperature or your furnace goes out while your away, your unit can dip significantly in temperature, freeze-up when furnace is reset or turned back on.

In the event that this happens, significant damage to piping, washers, cracked toilets and various other expensive issues can result.  Damage caused to common property due to owner absenteeism remains the responsibility of both owners and tenants and keeping a unit in good condition is specifically outlined in our bylaws.

To avoid expensive repairs, when leaving town please make sure your unit is regularly inspected according to your personal insurance policy.  Individual policy guidelines vary but it is common to require inspections as frequently as once every 48-72 hours.  Please check your policy to be sure.

So make sure to take a few diligent steps and avoid avoidable headaches while away!